Jesús A. del Alamo


Wenjie Lu wins Best in Session Award at SRC TECHCON 2017

PhD student Wenjie Lu received the Best in Session Award at the SRC TECHCON 2017 in Austin, TX, on Sept 10-12, 2017. His presentation was titled “Towards Sub-10 nm Diameter III-V Vertical Nanowire Transistors”. This research was performed under the supervision of Professor Jesus del Alamo in MTL. Wenjie’s devices have been fabricated in the facilities of the Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL) and the Electron Beam Lithography (EBL) at MIT. Wenjie’s research is supported by Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), Lam Research, and Korean Institution of Science and Technology.

Presentation of awards at TECHCON 2017






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